
Primary School

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Writing at Seahouses Primary School 


The ability to write well is linked to children's experience of story and other texts.  We use a wide range of up to date and research backed writing programmes to ensure your children have the very best start in writing.

  • The "Talk for Writing" approach, which involves the adults and children storytelling, talking about the story, drama activities and then shared writing. 
  • RWI phonics
  • Alan Peats
  • Read, write perform
  • Literacy shed
  • Litfilmfest
  • Intofilm
  • We work very closely with seven stories


Gradually the children become more proficient as writers, because they have the vocabulary and the skills. In this way we teach the writing process and support the children in planning, composing and revising their work.  Children write every day, across the curriculum and for a range of purposes,


We also teach spelling, punctuation and fluency in handwriting. 

We help our children develop a neat legible and fluent style of handwriting.  We use the Pen pals handwriting and from the time children can correctly form their letters, they are taught continuous cursive (joined up) handwriting. Short, focused handwriting sessions are taught on a regular basis.  When they achieve success they feel a sense of pride, are more motivated to write and tend to be better at spelling.  We have regular handwriting assessments in school and all children have the chance to earn a pen licence once they have mastered their skills.  They are very proud of their achievements when they receive their pen licence and new pen!
