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Early Reading and Phonics

Synthetic phonics has been proven to be the most effective approach to developing early reading proficiency and at Seahouses Primary we believe this is the best way to introduce children to the joy of reading.



Read, Write Inc. is a systematic approach that we use to teach our pupils how to read. Children are taught to use phonics as the approach to decoding unfamiliar words. Every child in EYFS and Year 1 has a daily phonics input, as well as any older children who may require it. 


Throughout school, we thrive to encourage a rounded approach to reading where phonics skills are applied to increase fluency and improve comprehension. Our reading books are levelled to match the progression in phonics in order to offer children a range of fiction and non-fiction texts that challenge them at an appropriate level to ensure accelerated learning.


Children are taught 'Red Words' or common exception words aligned with Read Write Inc. Their developing phonics knowledge enables them to sequentially build up their store of words to become fluent and confident readers.


Children are taught how to apply their phonic knowledge independently and are provided with opportunities to practise and consolidate their skills in both reading and writing.


A typical Read, Write Inc. session will include the following: 


- Speed Sounds Session (children will be taught a new sound) 

- Word Time 

- Text Introduction 

- Reading of the text

- Writing Task 

- Comprehension Task  


Home Reading


We provide the children with three texts each week. These include the following: 



A Read Write Inc. Book Bag Book- This book is closely matched to your child's phonic ability and it will link to the texts your child is accessing in school. It will contain words with phonemes and Red Words that your child is familiar with. 



An Oxford Reading Tree book- This book is provided to support your child in building their bank of High Frequency Words and also for their pleasure. They may not be able to read this completely independently but it can be enjoyed with a family member or friend. 


Library Book- This book is chosen purely by the child based on their interests. They may or may not be able to read this but this is a book they have complete choice over. This book is for pleasure and enjoyment. 


Children are also provided with a bookmark of 'Red' words appropriate for the level they are currently reading at. 

Useful Links for Parents and Carers: 


General information about Read, Write inc, for Parents and Carers:


Read, Write, Inc. Phonics: a guide for parents:


Read, Write, Inc. Pronunciation Video:





