Geography the Seahouses Way
To cultivate an enthusiasm for lifelong learning through a curriculum which reflects our rural and coastal context, adapting to the needs of our children- locally, nationally and globally.
At Seahouses Primary school we equip our children with the concepts, skills and knowledge that allow them to be able to think about, and then share their ideas as a geographer, able to comprehend and comment on local, national and global issues.
We plan carefully to develop learning systematically year on year, in order that pupils’ understanding and knowledge deepens and builds. Curriculum content is carefully selected to ensure that all of our pupils have the building blocks they need for later work, this helps them to be able to make relevant links to wider curriculum areas and global issues as core knowledge is taught before it is applied.
Through our Geography curriculum we aim to provide a purposeful platform for exploring, appreciating and understanding the world in which we live and how it has evolved. We want to ensure that pupils are able to explore the relationship between planet Earth and its people through the study of place, space and environment.
In Geography, pupils in our school will learn the skills of understanding locational knowledge; how and where people fit into its overall structure. We are also fully committed to our children becoming passionate and knowledgeable about our local community and beyond, by learning through experiences in practical and fieldwork activities.
We believe that opportunities for first hand geographical experiences are integral to the teaching of geography and help to make the learning relevant. We encourage our pupils to reflect on their prior knowledge and experiences to apply their knowledge of the world around them so that they know more and remember more.
As a school, we work with the Geographical Association to further support geographical knowledge and understanding in school and to ensure that we remain fully up to date with the very best thought, evidence and pedagogy.