
Primary School

Aspiring to be the best we can be.

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ICT Resources


Your child has the opportunity to access some of the ICT resources that we use in school from home. In order for your child to be able to access these resources they require a user-name and a password. At Seahouses we regularly promote the importance of internet safety to ensure that our students know how to stay safe on-line both in school and at home, and the importance of keeping their password safe. If you have any queries about how School 360, Times Table Rockstars or any other school based ICT resource can be used at home, please feel free to contact and we can support you with this. 


Please Note: Internet Safety

Internet safety for children comes up as a top priority when children browse the web. It is important to safeguard them from dangers such as obscenity, malwares, scams, phishing, identify theft, cyberbullying etc. Please click here to access information and support for helping keep children safe online.



Here are some websites that can help support learning: 


School 360 


Times Table Rockstars 


Spelling Shed 


Spelling Frame 


Oak Academy 


Oxford Owl 


Topmarks Education 


BBC Bitesize


Here are some links to help you keep safe when using the internet: 


Google Safe Search 


BBC Stay Safe 





