Maths and Munch
Our 'Maths and Munch' days are going really well in school. The children are thoroughly enjoying having their parents in to come and eat lunch and share some of the activities they do during maths lessons.
Parents have commented on how enjoyable they find coming into school and witnessing how maths is taught in lessons. Parents have also commented on how creative the resources are that are used to support children's learning.
"I hope mam's and dad's really enjoy coming for lunch at school because I like it!" (Jayden - Year 1)
"It's so different from how we were taught at school. It really helps to see how we can help at home".
"I love 'Maths and Munch' because I learn new things. I like having my dad with me because he is always funny and I like having lunch with him." (Gracie - Year 1)
"I like missing break to come and do maths with parents because I love maths!" (Jayden - Year 2)