
Primary School

Aspiring to be the best we can be.

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We will keep this section available for you to look at past memories.

  • Mental Health Awareness Week

    Wed 12 May 2021

    This week we have joined the 'Mental Health Foundation's' initiative to help provide young people with the tools and knowledge to help manage their mental health. They aim to prompt people into thinking about those things in life which are important to their well-being. 


    From a research study taken place during the pandemic results showed going for walks outside was one of our top coping strategies and 45% of the study reported that being in green spaces had been vital for our mental health. Therefore the Foundation decided to make the theme of the week Nature. 


    We love being outdoors and exploring our local environment at Seahouses so we are loving this theme. We have taken part in mindfulness walks and activities that allow us to take the time to make a connection and recognise nature. We have discussed and shared our experiences of being outdoors and being with nature. 

  • NSPCC Number Day - 2021

    Wed 12 May 2021

    Last week we celebrated the NSPCC’s number day. We talked about the NSPCC and their role and how they rely heavily on people raising money. We also looked at what they use their money on and how they support children and young people in difficult/ challenging situations.


    We took part in a range of number based activities this week to help our celebrations. We started by recognising that numbers can be fun with some maths games, We had an Icebox challenge: 10 mathematical problems were hidden around school. Each problem had an answer which helped open the 10 digit padlock. If successful the children opened the ice box and won an ice lolly! (They all did!) We had a Maths trail: the children had to solve given clues which lead to mathematical problems all around school. We Baked: children made number cookies following a given recipe. Finally to finish off our number day we held a ‘guess the number of sweets in the jar’ competition. We talked about what an estimate is and how we can make a sensible guess using our mathematical knowledge of numbers and their value. Well done to our winners!

  • Bikeability

    Wed 05 May 2021

    We have had a great week with the 'Bikeability' team developing our cycling skills.  We found out that cycling is much more than just a physical activity it is also a key life skill that allowed us the opportunity to develop our social and thinking skills as well as skills in our core values - resilience, perseverance and independence.
