
Primary School

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Our first week at school September 2019

After one week back at school, we are delighted to say that the children are settling so well.  To have a few tears in the morning is very normal as the children adjust to new routines but we can report that these are very quickly put away and our days pass happily.


The Reception children made a great start to Read Write Inc this week by learning letter sounds m, a and s.  We have learnt to recognise, hear and form letters this week – m, a and s, you can practise these at home using the booklet we have given your child to keep in their book bag and refer to each week. Both Reception and Year 1 children have these booklets to work from.


The home learning work for Reception was handed out last Monday, please return it to school by Thursday this week – the topic is All about me.


Whilst the Year One children have been revisiting the sounds they learnt whilst in Reception - Ch, Sh and Th have proved a little tricky so perhaps you could practise these at home?

Year 1 spelling homework this week has the ee sound focus this week. Please could you practise these at home before the spelling test on Thursday morning.


Year 1 have been going over their long ladder letters – one of the four handwriting families they have to learn this year – l, i, t, u, j, y.

When practising handwriting at home, please ensure that your child makes the correct formation. Bad habits can easily form and are very tricky to get rid of!


In our number work, we have been making sets of 5 items and finding many ways to represent 5.  Maybe you could do this at home - see how many sets of 5 you can make with your toys.


In Year 1 we have been counting and sorting objects up to 10. We will be learning to count forwards and backwards to 10 from any given number i.e. count backwards from 8… Go! Count forwards from 3… go! Perhaps this is something you could practise at home to support your child in their learning.


In our more practical maths, we have been sorting and counting objects working on our one to one correspondence. We have also introduced the children to Numicon and how to make number 0-10 with different numicon pieces.


We've been focusing on ourselves in our afternoon sessions.  In Art we have been painting our own self portraits to create a Welcome display in our classroom. In Science we have been naming and identifying different parts of our bodies. In PSHE we have been playing parachute games as a whole class to build up our confidence in a large group setting as well as help us to get to know each other as a new class.


The first week is always tricky getting into a routine of coming to school everyday however this year the children appear to have taken it all in their stride, even with some parents commenting that their children were ready to come back to school!
